Like a Good Neighbor?

It’s really a matter of simple economics. When two parties are involved in a claim, every dollar that does not go into your pocket, goes into the other guy’s. This is equally true when you are dealing with insurance companies.

Insurance tends to provide you some peace of mind. You are doing the responsible thing, and protecting your assets. That peace of mind usually ends though when you try to settle a claim with an insurance company. Most companies in the United States are profit motivated. The same is true with insurance companies. The bottom line is fattened by the dollars a company works hard to keep. Enter insurance adjusters. They are paid to work hard to settle claims for the least amount possible. No one can blame a company for being profit motivated, it is just the nature of our capitalistic system.

Insurance adjusters serve their companies by getting you to agree to as small of a settlement as possible. While many adjusters will be fair, you can get a good indication of where this process can go wrong by searching the internet for stories about people who were lied to or deceived by some adjusters. Think your insurance company wouldn’t do that? Some of the stories I have read, indicate that some adjusters will deceive their own insureds.

We at Oliver Law Firm have many years of experience when it comes to dealing with insurance companies. Don’t take the chance of getting ripped by speaking to insurance adjusters following wrecks. Give us a call and let us help you