Hello! Social Distancing & Social Interacting

‘Social Distancing’ is the hot topic during this time of the Coronavirus Pandemic. We’ve all been instructed to avoid being too close to other people whether at work, school, church, restaurants or shopping. Some suggest we call it ‘physical distancing’. This would imply that we can still be ‘social’.

A few days of isolation can be good, but as the days roll by and we all experience longer and longer isolation, we should practice ‘social interacting’ along with our ‘physical distancing’. Social interacting means that we reach out by phone, the internet or by waving at a neighbor across the street.

Individuals already feeling a sense of loneliness will find this time of isolation especially difficult. During this Pandemic, we need each other more than ever. Take a minute and call or facetime a friend. Or, use internet programs like Skype or Zoom to reach out and talk with someone who may be alone. You could even write a note or send a card. Especially remember your elderly family and friends.

Keep practicing your ‘physical distancing’, washing your hands, and avoiding touching your face. But, don’t forget to also do some ‘social interacting’ with other people. . . from a safe distance.